Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Three Way Conferences

Please note the times and dates for the Room 17 3-way conferences:

Friday 24th June - 07:45 to 12:00

Monday 24th June - 07:45 to 16:30

Book online via   Enter the code 5vvy9


Each of our four school blocks will be renamed very soon.  To celebrate, each block will have a mosaic installation and the students have been very busy helping to create these amazing works of art.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Room 17 has been learning a persuasive text.  We use a number of methods to learn a given text. The students created story maps and then used physical movement to link actions to the text.  This helps to embed the words into their long term memory.  The next step will be when we create our own persuasive essays using the knowledge we have of the given text.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Scitech Excursion - Year 5

On May 18th, the Year 5s will be heading to Scitech for an excursion.  We will be focusing on Science Investigation Skills (and solving a crime)!  The transport survey sent out last term showed that the majority of respondents wanted the school to use a bus for the excursion.  The total cost of the excursion will be $20 per child.  Please look out for the information/permission letter which will be issued this week.

Square Numbers!

Last week we started looking at the properties of square numbers.  The children were asked to get into groups of varying numbers and then they had to form a square.  Easy when the number is 4, but not so easy for 9 and impossible for 3 (although they tried hard)!  It was great to watch the children link the mathematical concept to their actions, especially as the numbers got larger.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Assembly Practice

For the last 2 weeks we have dedicated some time to rehearsing our assembly which will be held next Wednesday (16th March) at 09:00.  If you don't already know, see if you can guess the theme of our assembly.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Room 17 Assembly

Room 17 will be holding our assembly next Wednesday 16th March at 09:00 am in the undercover area.  Please ensure your child wears their faction shirt next Wednesday.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Problem Solving in Maths

It is important for students to be able to approach mathematical problems in a number of ways.  During our problem solving sessions, the children use material (counters, popsticks, cubes) and drawings to help them form a strategy for reaching a solution.  At the end of the lesson we discuss how effective their strategy was and if it helped them to find the answer.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Term1 Timetable

Year 5/6
Room 17
Term 1 - 2016


Door Open
Morning Routine
Morning Routine
Morning Routine
Morning Routine
Morning Routine

Roll/First Session
Y5 Science (Room 14)  Y6 HASS (Room 15)
Y6 Science  Y5 HASS (TR5)

Second Session


Third Session
T&E (Mr Jefcoate)

Lunch - Play

Lunch - Eat

Fourth Session
Maths - problem solving

Fifth Session
English - speaking & listening

14:15  Buddy Class

Tues - Science - Room 14 and 15

Thurs - Science - Room 17 and TR5

How to contact Mr Axton

If you would like to communicate with me my details are:

Text - 0424 821045

If you need to see me in person, please make an appointment through the school office.  I will then contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Parent/Carer Information Session

There will be an information session for parents this coming Monday 8th February, 8 am in our classroom.  I hope you can make it.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Welcome to the new school year

I hope everybody enjoyed Christmas and the holiday period and now it's back to school again this Monday!  I look forward to meeting my new students and seeing a few friendly, familiar faces.

There will be a parent information session early in Term 2.  I will give you an overview of some of the topics we will be covering this year, and it is an opportunity to ask questions directly.  A letter will be sent home confirming the time and date.

Below is a photo from a hotel I stayed in.  Ruined my holiday!